Many Oil Free Moisturizers Can Do More Harm Than Good
Wrinkle RewindIf you suffer from acne, eczema, or dry flaky skin it's very important to choose the right moisturizer for your skin. If you are applying the same moisturizer to your face you need to be extra careful.
Many people with problem skin think that using an oil free moisturizer will help because it won't clog their pores. But that's until they realize that most often it isn't the oil doing the damage. It is the ingredients in the product itself.
There is also a mistaken belief that the more expensive a skin care product is, the more effective it works. This is simply not true. The most expensive moisturizers on the market can do more harm than good depending on your skin type and the ingredients in them.
Most oil free moisturizers contain synthetic additives because they lack the emollient characteristics of natural essential oils. Emollients have three basic properties - occlusions, humectants and lubrications - that soften and soothe skin.
Natural essential oils are all rich in these key properties but most oil free moisturizers need additives like petroleum jelly to make skin appear smoother. They do this by sealing moisture into the skin, which also clogs your pores and makes the skin appear oily.
If you really want to understand the effect this can have on your skin, try this simple test at home. Take some Vaseline petroleum jelly and smear some on your skin. It will glisten and shine. Now splash water on that exposed skin and watch it slide off. It's the same effect as mixing car engine oil or petrol with water.
Imagine what that same petroleum jelly is doing to your skin when it's applied as moisturizer? Another additive to watch out for is paraben. This is used to extend the shelf life of the product but has been flagged down as a carcinogenic in many countries.
So why choose an oil free moisturizer when there are so many natural oils available? Their main ingredients are obtained from jojoba, coconut, avocado and grape seeds. These natural moisturizers are perfect for protecting your skin against damaging sunrays that dry-out and weather skin. Or harsh wintry winds that cause your skin to blister and crack, particularly around your lips, all without clogging the pores.
Some of the best skin care products I've found have no parabens, fragrances, allergens or harmful chemicals whatsoever. So isn't it time you looked for a 100% natural alternative to oil free moisturizers?
John. L. Johnson III believes in healthy living for the body, mind and soul. He is a strong advocate of natural ingredients and has spent years researching the best skin care products. Once he finds a natural product and tries it himself he likes to make people aware of the benefits.