We did our comparative shopping and found that the cheap washers just can't match up to the Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine when it comes to energy efficiency, cost savings in utilities because we are doing less loads, and a savings on the laundry soap, bleaches, pre-treatment, softeners and anything else we use in the laundry for special fabrics. In the cost comparison of the warranty, we couldn't beat the price; it came as part of the package simply because it is a Hoover. The Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine comes with a five year warranty.
We had heard rumors that Hoover was going out of business, but we found out that is not true. As with many businesses, they joined forces with another business, but are still building the same great products. We were a little concerned that our warranty or customer service would change, but they did not. The customer service is just as great as it ever was and the repair service hasn't had to be called, but there is someone to repair the washer within five kilometers of our home. You can't beat that for service!
Once we found the specific washer to suit our needs and our budget we, of course, had to wash a couple of loads in the new washer. Isn't this what everyone else does too? I think so, we just can't resist. A table cloth that had been pre-treated and then soaked in some borax soap for about an hour was put through the stain cleaning cycle, and all the stains from the spilled wine were gone!
This table cloth was a very good one, the type one uses for holidays and such, and there were serious doubts that the piece of table linen was ever going to be useable again. The Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine stain cycle was marvelous! The next load included a very delicate silk blouse. We washed it on a delicate setting and this blouse came out almost dry and completely wrinkle free! This is going to save on the cleaner bill for sure. The clothes, even the more delicate clothes, have come out great.
Between the fantastic functions that this washer will perform, the cost effectiveness makes the Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine one of the appliances that will actually pay you back in the savings you get from the lessened loads, a lower use of utilities and laundry products.
For more information on the latest Hoover Washing Machine models including images, videos, manuals and reviews, please visit the detailed Hoover Washing Machine page at Eco Washing Lines.