If you have considered having cosmetic surgery but you're wondering if a wrinkle cream would do the job just as well, you've come to the right place.
It might seem from a cursory look that surgery would be the victor. After all, its results are dramatic and quick. Within a few days, you can look like a new person. Wrinkle creams take forever to work, you think. And, surgery's benefits last a long time, while wrinkle creams don't, right?
Let's look at the facts. Sometimes what we think is correct is, in fact, not. And you'll find out why wrinkle cream has been called the 'face lift in a jar'. Let's find out.
Cosmetic surgery
First, let's look at the surgical option. When you have cosmetic surgery, you are taking on a few critical responsibilities - you have to give up some time, a good deal of money and you risk negative side effects. Let's look at each of these.
First, when you agree to have cosmetic surgery, you must give up some time for recovery. Depending on the kind of cosmetic surgery you have done, you might be recovering for anywhere from 3 or 4 days to several weeks.
During the recovery period, you likely won't work and you will likely stay inside a good deal. In reality, not many of us have that kind of time to give up.
Cosmetic surgery is expensive. Again, depending on the type chosen, it can cost several hundred dollars, or several thousand dollars. Although the rich can afford to write a check, many people pay their cosmetic surgery off over time. The effects might be long gone before the procedure is fully paid for.
Side effects
There are many risks associated with cosmetic surgery, not the least of which is infection, but there is also the risk that parts of the face will become permanently frozen, or that you'll suffer some health problem like a cardiac or other issue. These are not uncommon side effects of cosmetic surgery.
Wrinkle creams
Now, let's consider the non-surgical option of using a wrinkle cream. Granted, saying you use a good quality wrinkle cream isn't quite as sexy as announcing that you've had a nose job, or a face lift, but there are many advantages to using the best wrinkle cream.
Even using a marginally costly wrinkle cream will be cheaper that most cosmetic surgery options, particularly when you consider that many cosmetic surgery options must be repeated with some regularity (some more than others, depending on the procedure).
Instant benefit
Not all wrinkle creams require days or months to work. Some of the best new products on the market provide an immediate benefit to reverse wrinkles and give your skin a 'lift' in minutes. Before you leave the house in the morning, you can get the beneficial effects of using a good wrinkle cream that will make you look younger in minutes.
You can't have cosmetic surgery procedures over and over again. There is a limit to how many procedures you can have. But there's no limit on wrinkle cream. You can use it for many years or decades. Instead of damaging your skin (as repeated cosmetic surgeries will do) you are actually providing great benefit to you skin with their antioxidants the longer you use a wrinkle cream.
We hope you have a better understanding now of how wrinkle creams stack up against cosmetic surgery. Educating yourself and finding out what works is critical to making the right choice.
Want to look younger in just 7 minutes? Then see this review of the 'face lift in a jar' the Athena 7 minute lift that reverses wrinkles in 7 minutes. Read real life testimonials of the anti aging Athena 7 Minute Lift at Marcus Ryan's review site right here. Is this the best antiaging wrinkle cream available? Find out in this revealing review right here.