Anti wrinkle cream is very popular these days. Some are really good, others overpriced and not so good. If you have one that works for you - wonderful. If not, be sure to do your homework - there's a lot of what I consider to be scams out there.
Regardless, here is a simple recipe for making your own anti wrinkle cream. It's actually more of a mask than a cream, but used regularly with the daily use of a high-quality anti aging cream, it can take years off your face. Plus it will make your face feel great! It is aptly named "Young Again". Here's the recipe:
* 2 teaspoons yogurt (plain)
* 3 vitamin E capsules (equivalent to 300 units)
* 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
* 1/2 teaspoon honey
Mix together yogurt, lemon juice and honey. Next, prick open the vitamin E capsules and squeeze the contents into your cream. Wash your face and dry off. Apply the mask and leave on for 20 minutes. Use twice per week.
Be sure to use a mild face soap as a daily cleanser, as the last thing you want to dry your face out. When choosing your anti wrinkle cream (unless you already have one you like), be sure that it offers a minimum of 30 days to try it out, as it takes at least 30 days to see results from one. That is, if it is a high quality cream.
On that note, be sure you do not get fooled by over-hyped anti aging creams that look great, have tons of commercials and fancy web-sites, but just do not work. For more info on this, visit:
WrinkleTommy Engan is a successful health and beauty writer who specializes in all things anti aging - especially the area of anti wrinkle creams. Before you waste another hard earned dollar on anti aging products that just don't deliver on their promise, find out how you can stay ahead of the game by taking advantage of the latest research on Anti Wrinkle Creams