Derived from the Greek word pántothen, meaning "from all quarters," this B Vitamin is indeed a "do everything, be everywhere" nutrient. It is part of the chemical makeup of Coenzyme A. It is also known in other forms - Calcium Pantothenate and Panthenol.
It has become increasingly popular as a nutritional supplement, widely used for its abilities to boost energy, increase athletic performance, alleviate arthritis, restore color and luster to hair and, in general, rejuvenate. Deficiencies in humans can result in abdominal distress, vomiting, cramps, burning pain in the heels, "burning feet syndrome", fatigue, insomnia. Signs of reduced immunity to some infectious agents have also been noted in pantothenate deficiency.
Some scientists believe Vitamin B5 can also prevent aging. Tests prove that getting an adequate amount of vitamin B5 into the body can stop the growth of wrinkles. For teenagers, Vitamin B5 can help STOP serious oil gland production, which means no acne.
The below extract is from research performed by Lit-Hung Leung, M.D, where Vitamin B5 was used to treat acne.
"One hundred patients of Chinese descent were included in the study, 45 males and 55 females. The age ranged from 10 to 30, and with about 80% between 13 and 23. The severity of the disease process varied. They were given 10 grams of pantothenic acid a day in four divided doses.There is a noticeable decrease in sebum secretion (skin oil) on the face usually 2-3 days after initiation of therapy. The face becomes less oily. After two weeks, existing lesions start to regress while the rate of eruption of new acne lesions begins to slow down. In cases with moderate severity, the condition is normally in complete control in about eight weeks, with most of the lesions gone and new lesions only to erupt occasionally."
Good sources of Vitamin B5 include the organ meats, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, fish, chicken, whole grain cereals, cheese, peanuts, dried beans, and a variety of vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, green peas, cauliflower, and avocados.
SkinB5 is best Vitamin B5 acne teatment because it is a combination of Vitamin B5, Zinc, Vitamin A and Biotin will give you serious results in treating acne and wrinkles.
Wrinkle RewindJ Stivo - former acne sufferer []