We have numerous cosmetic products at our fingertips that claim to create an anti-aging process on our skin. Eye creams are particularly noticeable claiming to lighten dark circles, reduce wrinkles and illuminate puffiness around our eyes. The cosmetic industry has spent millions on eyes alone. It can be overwhelming to read the results on these products and put your trust in them, as well as your hard earned money. Are there anti-aging eye cream alternatives? Absolutely! All cosmetics have a start somewhere other than the factories. They come from your kitchen! That's right, there are numerous cosmetic recipes you can obtain right from your cupboards or refrigerators, they are easy to make and cost much less than the anti- aging eye creams at the department stores.
The following are several tried and true recipes to aid in the reversal of aging on the eyes. Be aware that your eyes are a very sensitive area and you should test and area before applying anything to the entire surface. One of the first recipes is for an Avocado cream: Mix 5 drops of almond oil and 3 avocado slices. Make into a paste. Apply around the eyes and leave on for 5 minutes. Remove with warm water. Several other natural ways to lighten the area around the eyes are with slices of potatoes or cucumbers or to place soaked tea bags on your eyelids. This is also very soothing to tired eyes. Make a Potato and Applesauce Cream by mixing 2 Tbsp of unsweetened applesauce with a small potato with a food processor. Apply around the eyes and cover with a washcloth dampened with warm water. Relax for 5-10 minutes then clean your face with warm water. Using Lemon juice can also aid in lightening dark circles around your eyes. Use a cotton ball to apply under your eyes avoiding getting the juice in your eye.
Using your common sense in the kitchen to produce your own anti-aging eye creams can produce as remarkable results as if you had spent hundreds in the department store. Most foods rich in anti-aging nutrients are applicable to your body externally as well as internally. Foods such as avocados, and olive oil are rich in oils that can blend these other ingredients to make them easy to apply. Now you don't have to wait to go to the store, or pay extravagant prices for anti-aging creams again! All you have to do to reverse the aging process is go to the refrigerator!
To get rid of wrinkles permanently, try Lifecell Anti-Wrinkle Cream. You can read more about Lifecell Anti Aging Cream.