Read through Skin Care Fundamentals: Toning additional

As skin ages, it begins to loose its elasticity. Due to age and things like pollution, weather and other harmful things in atmosphere, the epidermal cells gradually lose their capacity to produce new cells. As result, the face and other body parts starts sagging and start showing wrinkles.

The skin is freshened and rejuvenated using toning lotions. They help to increase the blood supply to the skin. At the same time, toning can help keep it clear and firm by cleaning the oil and reducing pore size.

Tips and advices for skin toning:
The rose is an excellent skin toner. Make rose water by mixing one tablespoon rose oil with two and half litres of purified water. Store it in refrigerator.

Take a piece of potato and rub it over the face and neck. Wash your skin after 15 minutes. This is very effective for oily skin.

Oily skinned people should tone with an astringent lotion, applying to the oiliest places, that is sides of the nose, chin and forehead.

Strawberry mash could be a good toner for sensitive skin. Apply it for 5 minutes and then wash it off.

Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon glycerin and three tablespoons of rose water. Rub this juice on the skin. Very effective for a dry skin.

If you like to buy your toner from cosmetic shops, look for one that contains alpha hydroxyl acids.

Wrinkle Rewind

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in issues such as anti aging skin formula.

Skin Care Fundamentals: Toning

Read A Story From The Stands - What Have Former Nebraska Football Players Learned From The Game - Rohrig much more


"That was the most perfectly formed wall I had ever seen," said Herman Rohrig about the wall that formed on the punt return that broke Nebraska's back and heart in the 1941 Rose Bowl game. "We always punted for the sidelines but Stanford set up it perfectly and ran it back. Before that, we had them on the run."

"We felt really bad about the loss but Coach Biff Jones told us not to get down. We played a good game." That's one of the lessons Rohrig learned from the game. "Life is like football. Sometimes you lose and football teaches you about winning and losing." He has put those lessons to good use.

Nebraska's star high school back almost went to Colorado State. He and a Lincoln High buddy were almost packed when Rohrig got a call from Cy Sherman; the Lincoln Star sports editor. Rohrig's father was the janitor at the Star. "Sherman told me if I went to Colorado State instead of Nebraska, he would fire my dad." Nebraska won the recruiting battle.

At 6'4" and 217 pounds, Rohrig was a big back for his day but Coach Jones wasn't impressed.

"He called me fireplug," Rohrig said. "He made me run the stadium steps to lose weight. I thought that was a little harsh but he told me I could do it and I did." Memorial Stadium still had the new stadium smell having just been completed a few years before.

One of Rohrig's best memories of those days was the punt return he ran back against Missouri.

"Somebody was running right along with me all of the way to the end-zone. The spirited fan was Mickey Rooney. "Great run he hollered at me when we got to the end-zone."

It wasn't long until Nebraska had another date with stardom. "The train trip to Pasadena took a little detour," Rohrig recalled. "On the first day, we went to Texas and into Mexico. They wanted to let us see Mexico. The next day we were in Phoenix and then we spent a week or so in California before the game."

Even though it was billed as a study trip, the team got to hang out with some movie stars including former Beatrice resident turned big movie star, Bob Taylor. "I got my picture taken with him and Ann Rutherford. I was showing them how to throw the ball."

The players and coaches didn't watch a lot of Stanford film to get ready for the game. "Heck, we just lined up and played. Nebraska played the single wing formation but Stanford put in a new wrinkle called the T formation. Coach Lyman knew a little bit about the T from his Green Bay Packer days."

"Our formations were simple. I was the tailback so I got the snap, kind of like a quarterback today. When we lined up left, we went left. Once in a while we used a reverse but that was about it."

Most of the players on Nebraska's first Rose Bowl team had a long history together. "With the exception of one guy from Kansas, we were all from Lincoln High."

There would be more great runs in Rohrig's future. He went on to play for the Chicago All-Star team, a selection of the best college players who played the best NFL team. Rohrig also played eleven years with the Green Bay Packers.

Rohrig became supervisor of Big 10 officials. "I was 6' 4" before I started that job and at the end of 16 years, they beat me down to 5' 9".

Rohrig has remained remarkably healthy his entire life except for breaking his nose eight times and spending lots of time with the dentist. "Remember, we didn't have face masks back then. I haven't had any joint replacements," he said, "but some of my friends thought I should look into a head replacement once."

"I dearly love football," Rohrig said. "Those guys don't realize it yet but they'll always remember the lessons of football and this game."

Herman Rohrig certainly has. It's given him the priceless gift of a lifetime.

Kenny Miller has been in the creative business for over 30 years. He has created two advertising agencies and is the author of two books: The Last Flight of Kilo Mike; and A Visit to Hartington. Kenny is also a highly experienced professional pilot; a published photographer; and a top-notch storm chaser. Kenny also writes a sports column, A Story From The Stands, which tells the stories of former Nebraska players and what they learned from playing football. His site is []

A Story From The Stands - What Have Former Nebraska Football Players Learned From The Game - Rohrig

Wrinkle Rewind

Read through Best Wrinkle Cream - Face Lift in a Jar? extra

If you have considered having cosmetic surgery but you're wondering if a wrinkle cream would do the job just as well, you've come to the right place.

It might seem from a cursory look that surgery would be the victor. After all, its results are dramatic and quick. Within a few days, you can look like a new person. Wrinkle creams take forever to work, you think. And, surgery's benefits last a long time, while wrinkle creams don't, right?

Let's look at the facts. Sometimes what we think is correct is, in fact, not. And you'll find out why wrinkle cream has been called the 'face lift in a jar'. Let's find out.

Cosmetic surgery

First, let's look at the surgical option. When you have cosmetic surgery, you are taking on a few critical responsibilities - you have to give up some time, a good deal of money and you risk negative side effects. Let's look at each of these.


First, when you agree to have cosmetic surgery, you must give up some time for recovery. Depending on the kind of cosmetic surgery you have done, you might be recovering for anywhere from 3 or 4 days to several weeks.

During the recovery period, you likely won't work and you will likely stay inside a good deal. In reality, not many of us have that kind of time to give up.


Cosmetic surgery is expensive. Again, depending on the type chosen, it can cost several hundred dollars, or several thousand dollars. Although the rich can afford to write a check, many people pay their cosmetic surgery off over time. The effects might be long gone before the procedure is fully paid for.

Side effects

There are many risks associated with cosmetic surgery, not the least of which is infection, but there is also the risk that parts of the face will become permanently frozen, or that you'll suffer some health problem like a cardiac or other issue. These are not uncommon side effects of cosmetic surgery.

Wrinkle creams

Now, let's consider the non-surgical option of using a wrinkle cream. Granted, saying you use a good quality wrinkle cream isn't quite as sexy as announcing that you've had a nose job, or a face lift, but there are many advantages to using the best wrinkle cream.


Even using a marginally costly wrinkle cream will be cheaper that most cosmetic surgery options, particularly when you consider that many cosmetic surgery options must be repeated with some regularity (some more than others, depending on the procedure).

Instant benefit

Not all wrinkle creams require days or months to work. Some of the best new products on the market provide an immediate benefit to reverse wrinkles and give your skin a 'lift' in minutes. Before you leave the house in the morning, you can get the beneficial effects of using a good wrinkle cream that will make you look younger in minutes.


You can't have cosmetic surgery procedures over and over again. There is a limit to how many procedures you can have. But there's no limit on wrinkle cream. You can use it for many years or decades. Instead of damaging your skin (as repeated cosmetic surgeries will do) you are actually providing great benefit to you skin with their antioxidants the longer you use a wrinkle cream.

We hope you have a better understanding now of how wrinkle creams stack up against cosmetic surgery. Educating yourself and finding out what works is critical to making the right choice.

Want to look younger in just 7 minutes? Then see this review of the 'face lift in a jar' the Athena 7 minute lift that reverses wrinkles in 7 minutes. Read real life testimonials of the anti aging Athena 7 Minute Lift at Marcus Ryan's review site right here. Is this the best antiaging wrinkle cream available? Find out in this revealing review right here.

Best Wrinkle Cream - Face Lift in a Jar?


Study Tips To Slow Aging Naturally - Vitamins and Supplements additional

Tips To Slow Aging Naturally - Vitamins and Supplements

Wrinkle Rewind

As we get along in our years and as we get past our prime people from all walks of life want to turn back the clock and rewind the aging process.

We are all aspiring to stop the aging process, despite the fact that it is inevitable. But is there really a way to slow aging naturally? There are so many anti aging products available on the market today, but the problem is most of them don't work. One very important way to preserve health and slow aging naturally is with vitamins. Vitamins and supplements can help you to retain some semblance of your youth, as well as to reduce the effects of aging.

Not all vitamins and supplements are created equally. Here, we will review various supplements and their effects on your body, as well as their anti-aging properties. The following are 5 tips to slow aging naturally.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #1 - Niacin

Niacin helps your skin to be able to retain moisture. As you age, your skin dries out and loses the ability to stay moist. Niacin also supports the immune system to help you to remain resistant against various illnesses and disease. Niacin helps to reinvigorate your skin by assisting in the removal of dead skin cells from the epidermis. Often, dry skin can be a direct result of a lack of niacin. Niacin has the ability to increase high density lipoproteins which are good cholesterol as well as to assist in reducing the fat content contained in your blood stream (triglycerides) which can be a contributing factor to heart disease and stroke. It also works to convert foods that you eat into energy which can be used by your various cells in their specific functions.

Studies show that one out of four people do not get enough niacin in their diet. These statistics are much higher in the lower income bracket. One way that food companies have been working to combat this deficiency is by adding niacin into breakfast cereals.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #2 - Vitamin C

As we age, free radicals can increase within our cells. While free radicals do play a significant part in the function of our cells, too many of them can have detrimental effects on our bodies. Free radicals are increased with impurities and toxins that we breathe in daily, as well as exposure to additives in foods and radioactive emissions.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which works to destroy free radicals, and keep them within healthy levels. Vitamin C can assist in the absorption of Vitamin E, which is also an antioxidant. Although you may not realize it, the condition of your skin is often an indication of your body's health on the inside. Your skin has a foundation, if you will, that has a certain elasticity and suppleness to it. The underlying component of this is collagen. Vitamin C can improve the resiliency of collagen as well as to assist in the creation of it.

As we age, our ability to form collagen is reduced and this can make skin appear more wrinkled and aged. Collagen helps to keep your skin supple and resist damage.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #3 - Vitamin B2

This water-soluble vitamin is used by your body to process and metabolize fats, amino acids, and to produce the materials we require to derive energy from our bodies - ATP. Many of us do not have a deficiency of this vitamin; however, it does play a very important role within the body. Vitamin B2 is usually included in the formulation of most anti oxidant supplements because has many anti oxidant properties.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #4 - Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Many of us have been led to believe that fat is bad and should not be included in our diets at all. While this is partly true, it is not the entire story. We do require a certain amount of good fats that are not saturated. It is recommended that you eat fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring at least two times per week in order to gain the benefits of this essential oil.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #5 - Ginseng

This ancient Chinese herbal remedy has many qualities. Among them, the ability to reduce stress by limiting stress hormones, improve sharpness as well as mental function and to increase blood circulation to the brain. Ginseng has also been used to assist people who are having difficulty in getting a good night's sleep. Apparently Korean Ginseng contains "natural" steroids which can assist in building and maintaining lean body mass.

There are also hormonal factors linked directly with how our body ages. Science has identified a specific hormone and studies have been done on how it, or lack thereof, significantly affects our physical age compared to our chronological age. Could this hormone be the key to retaining or regaining a youthful look? Find out in this thought-provoking anti aging article at

Study Wrinkle Cream Reviews - How to Spot the Fakes more

There are many wrinkle cream review sites out there whose only true goal is to sell you a particular brand of cream or serum.  You will be able to recognize these sites by the fact that they speak very highly of a particular product, and compare all other products they are discussing to the one that they are trying to push.  These sites will, of course, try to convince you that they are, in fact, legitimate wrinkle cream review sites, but you will be more informed that they expect you to be.

If you come across a wrinkle cream review site that continually tries to make it clear that they are legitimate, watch out.  Have you ever heard the saying, "me thinks thou dost protest too much?"  It's a saying from a Shakespeare play, but essentially it means, that you are trying so hard to make someone believe that you are telling the truth, that you are actually probably telling a lie.  So don't be caught up in a reviews site's lies, they could end up costing you a lot of money in the end. 

There are ways that you can figure out which wrinkle cream reviews are true, and which consumer based reviews sites are actually false sales-pitch sites.  One of these ways is to take a quick look at the entire site, does the site spread out the information equally among all of the particular brands, or does it give you just bits and pieces of a few brands of wrinkle creams, but then goes on to have page long wrinkle cream reviews about the one wrinkle cream that you have seen many times on the site already?

If you try to submit your own review, do you find that you are able to view it with in a few days, and is it the same as when you submitted it, or has it been altered in some way, or not posted onto the site at all?  Don't be fooled by the false wrinkle cream reviews that will make you think that you need to purchase the most expensive skin care product available.  Do your homework; you are worth spending a little extra time for.


Mark Robbins is a Consumer Advocate who monitors review sites, and reveals which are the honest wrinkle cream reviews that consumers can trust. His unbiased approach, and honest opinions are why he is so popular with his base of readers.

Wrinkle Cream Reviews - How to Spot the Fakes

Examine Wrinkle-Free Sheets extra

In choosing and buying new set of sheets at this point of time, be it for personal home use or for business purposes (hotels, lodge, etc.), we take some valuable points to consider over the product sheets we opted to choose. First, we commonly consider the comfort the sheet may bring (includes thread count), then the size (whether it fits in the bed), the design and its quality (how it is made and what is it made of), the price, and lastly, is it wrinkle-free or not. In the views of some consumer analytic, shoppers also need to take into account to some products that are worth the price, shoppers do not realize that how valuable it is to invest onto some products which clearly have an upper hand against anything available in the market, which this wrinkle-free sheet has to offer.

Recently, the factor of being wrinkle-free has become popular in the aspect of choosing sheets as such. In making this products there are those methods used to make wrinkle-free sheets. One method of making wrinkle-free sheets is mixing of cotton and polyester, in which the polyester content makes it wrinkle resistant and brings an optimal comfort with the feel of the smoothness of a cotton, but too much of polyester can cause skin irritation and a feeling of too much warmth on the skin, which is practically bad, that is why there is cotton to balance that effect. Another method is made up largely of cotton, which can still be wrinkle-free but usually it requires some various chemical treatments in order to be wrinkle resistant, they tend to be eco-friendly but considering it has chemicals in it, which in turn can probably cause various skin irritations among the users, particularly to those who has sensitive skin, which of course is not recommended.

Considering the fact that the sheets chosen are wrinkle-free or resistant, it can be immediately taken from the dryer and ready for use, it definitely gives you a great amount of time and effort saved just for the fact of not needing to iron or press it anymore; taking into thoughts the size of the sheets as we speak, it will take you a lot of energy, efforts and time in just ironing one sheet. Basically, it simplifies your life in purchasing such product and could help you enjoy the night with a pleasantly comfortable and luxurious sleep on a wrinkle-free or wrinkle resistant sheets on your bed without having the nightmares of ironing too long to achieve a crisp and comfortable sheet to lie down on.

Apart from the efforts you are freed from the product itself, there is nothing much you could ask for as you lie down on a bed with wrinkle-free or wrinkle-resistant sheets; especially taking into consideration the thread counts which usually played at around 200 - 400 range depending on your preference of comfort. The smoothness of the fabric as it brushes up your skin, how fine it will be as you move your body all around the sheet. It is like offering yourself a pretty nice reward for having a hard, stressful day from work or activities each time you go home and take a good night sleep. There is nothing much more comfortable and luxurious in sleeping on such bed with a wrinkle-free sheet that money can buy.

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Wrinkle-Free Sheets

Study Reprint Stem Cell Skin Care System - The Secret is Apples more

All anti aging skin care products claim to make you look younger. And that's what we're all looking for when we think about buying them, isn't it? Of course the truth of the matter is... some work better than others.

There's a new cream on the the market that makes a familiar claim - that you can look 10 years younger in 28 days without the need for Botox injections. It's called Reprint Skin Care and it's based on plant stem cells. The system was discovered by Swiss scientists and it even won the 2008 European Cosmetics award in the best active ingredient category.

How Does Reprint Skin Care System With Plant Stem Cell Work?

This is the surprising part... Reprint's stem cells come from a special apple tree that's found in Switzerland. I guess the old saying we all know and love about apples could be changed to "an apple a day keeps the dermatologist away".

If you're not familiar with the role stem cells play in our bodies, in a nutshell they help with cell regeneration which is important to keep skin looking young. As our stem cells diminish with each passing year, we start to develop lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging. Reprint's science is based on the idea that by replenishing these stem cells, we can have younger looking skin.

This anti aging skin care system consists of two products that work hand in hand for better skin. First, the Intensive Age Defying Serum Concentrate works on deep wrinkles as well as fine lines and sagging skin. With a high concentration of the special apple stem cells, called "Stemplex Stem Cell Complex", it works together with Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 for firming the skin and relaxing facial muscles in a manner similar to that of Botox injections.

Second, the Age Defying Moisturizer provides exceptional hydration to the skin. It also contains the stem cell complex and features Aquaxyl, Hyaluronic Acid and Shea Butter as well. Since proper moisture is critical for keeping wrinkles in check, this second step in the system is extremely important.

All in all, Reprint Skin Care with plant stem cells is a fresh idea that has the ability to leave your skin looking smooth, firm and much younger than it would without the product.

Wrinkle Rewind

For a limited time, you can try the Reprint Stem Cell Skin Care System risk-free. Trials and samples are a great way to make sure the product you choose is right for your skin and will give you the results you want before making a full commitment to purchasing the actual product. You can find more great products and deals for great-looking and healthy skin at

Reprint Stem Cell Skin Care System - The Secret is Apples

Wrinkle Rewind

Understand Many Oil Free Moisturizers Can Do More Harm Than Good extra

Many Oil Free Moisturizers Can Do More Harm Than Good

Wrinkle Rewind

If you suffer from acne, eczema, or dry flaky skin it's very important to choose the right moisturizer for your skin. If you are applying the same moisturizer to your face you need to be extra careful.

Many people with problem skin think that using an oil free moisturizer will help because it won't clog their pores. But that's until they realize that most often it isn't the oil doing the damage. It is the ingredients in the product itself.

There is also a mistaken belief that the more expensive a skin care product is, the more effective it works. This is simply not true. The most expensive moisturizers on the market can do more harm than good depending on your skin type and the ingredients in them.

Most oil free moisturizers contain synthetic additives because they lack the emollient characteristics of natural essential oils. Emollients have three basic properties - occlusions, humectants and lubrications - that soften and soothe skin.

Natural essential oils are all rich in these key properties but most oil free moisturizers need additives like petroleum jelly to make skin appear smoother. They do this by sealing moisture into the skin, which also clogs your pores and makes the skin appear oily.

If you really want to understand the effect this can have on your skin, try this simple test at home. Take some Vaseline petroleum jelly and smear some on your skin. It will glisten and shine. Now splash water on that exposed skin and watch it slide off. It's the same effect as mixing car engine oil or petrol with water.

Imagine what that same petroleum jelly is doing to your skin when it's applied as moisturizer? Another additive to watch out for is paraben. This is used to extend the shelf life of the product but has been flagged down as a carcinogenic in many countries.

So why choose an oil free moisturizer when there are so many natural oils available? Their main ingredients are obtained from jojoba, coconut, avocado and grape seeds. These natural moisturizers are perfect for protecting your skin against damaging sunrays that dry-out and weather skin. Or harsh wintry winds that cause your skin to blister and crack, particularly around your lips, all without clogging the pores.

Some of the best skin care products I've found have no parabens, fragrances, allergens or harmful chemicals whatsoever. So isn't it time you looked for a 100% natural alternative to oil free moisturizers?

John. L. Johnson III believes in healthy living for the body, mind and soul. He is a strong advocate of natural ingredients and has spent years researching the best skin care products. Once he finds a natural product and tries it himself he likes to make people aware of the benefits.

Examine Hoover Washing Machine - Model OPH616-80 Review additional

Wrinkle Rewind

We did our comparative shopping and found that the cheap washers just can't match up to the Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine when it comes to energy efficiency, cost savings in utilities because we are doing less loads, and a savings on the laundry soap, bleaches, pre-treatment, softeners and anything else we use in the laundry for special fabrics. In the cost comparison of the warranty, we couldn't beat the price; it came as part of the package simply because it is a Hoover. The Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine comes with a five year warranty.

We had heard rumors that Hoover was going out of business, but we found out that is not true. As with many businesses, they joined forces with another business, but are still building the same great products. We were a little concerned that our warranty or customer service would change, but they did not. The customer service is just as great as it ever was and the repair service hasn't had to be called, but there is someone to repair the washer within five kilometers of our home. You can't beat that for service!

Once we found the specific washer to suit our needs and our budget we, of course, had to wash a couple of loads in the new washer. Isn't this what everyone else does too? I think so, we just can't resist. A table cloth that had been pre-treated and then soaked in some borax soap for about an hour was put through the stain cleaning cycle, and all the stains from the spilled wine were gone!

This table cloth was a very good one, the type one uses for holidays and such, and there were serious doubts that the piece of table linen was ever going to be useable again. The Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine stain cycle was marvelous! The next load included a very delicate silk blouse. We washed it on a delicate setting and this blouse came out almost dry and completely wrinkle free! This is going to save on the cleaner bill for sure. The clothes, even the more delicate clothes, have come out great.

Between the fantastic functions that this washer will perform, the cost effectiveness makes the Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine one of the appliances that will actually pay you back in the savings you get from the lessened loads, a lower use of utilities and laundry products.

For more information on the latest Hoover Washing Machine models including images, videos, manuals and reviews, please visit the detailed Hoover Washing Machine page at Eco Washing Lines.

Hoover Washing Machine - Model OPH616-80 Review

Wrinkle Rewind

Read through DIY Eye Serum - Minimize Those Age Lines! far more

DIY Eye Serum - Minimize Those Age Lines!

Wrinkle Rewind

How do you defy the signs of aging?

Strictly speaking, you don't. We all know aging is a natural phenomenon - and no matter how many cosmetics, treatments and even surgeries claim to stop aging, truth is, we can only do so much to minimize it.

As we grow older (and wiser!), our physical appearance changes - our hair thins out and turns grey, the skin loses its elasticity and develops wrinkles, frequent exposure to the sun results to uneven skin tone and sunspots, metabolism is slower and the body is less firm, lips are thinner, and everything else sags. Such is the harsh reality of growing old, and it's a reality that most women fear to face and embrace.

The good news is, with all the great resources and information available to us busy, working women today, we can arm ourselves with all-natural, chemical-free and effective ways to stay healthy and beautiful - and minimize the signs of aging in the process.

The first sign of aging usually manifests around the eyes. This is often the first spot where noticeable signs of aging can be seen - wrinkles, crow's feet, and sagging eyelids. Since our eyes are the central feature of our face, it's important that they are well-taken cared of. So how do you restore it back to its youthful elasticity?

We understand you may already have a favorite eye cream or eye serum, but one of the best (and cheapest!) concoctions you can whip up at home is a blend of essential oils -- jojoba, rose oil and chamomile.

Jojoba oil is a super moisturizer! It spreads well, absorbs well, and does not evaporate easily.

We love rose oil. It tones and lifts skin, prevents wrinkles and loss of firmness, and makes scars fade away! Needless to say, it's perfect for those aging eyes.

Chamomile oil is a miracle product that's great for the sensitive area around our eyes. It's a great tissue regenerator, and it can calm red, dry, and irritated skin. Combined together, these oils work up a magic potion that can leave the area around the eyes smooth, toned, moisturized and refreshed. Enjoy!


1 ounce Jojoba oil
5 drops of Rose essential oil
5 drops of Chamomile essential oil

1. Combine all the oils in a small bowl.
2. To use, use a dropper to apply a drop to your finger then gently smooth beneath your eyes and the area just beneath the brow bone. Do NOT apply to your eyelids.
3. Store your eye serum in a small glass container.

Green Blossoms is an online resource for today's modern woman to live a green, healthy, and happy life. We write about green living, DIY beauty treatments, ideas for women's night outs, healthy food recipes, career advice, work/life balance tips and more!

Visit our blog at and our Facebook page We love to tweet too! Follow @GreenBlossoms!

Examine DIY Eye Serum - Minimize Those Age Lines! far more

Wrinkle Rewind

How do you defy the signs of aging?

Strictly speaking, you don't. We all know aging is a natural phenomenon - and no matter how many cosmetics, treatments and even surgeries claim to stop aging, truth is, we can only do so much to minimize it.

As we grow older (and wiser!), our physical appearance changes - our hair thins out and turns grey, the skin loses its elasticity and develops wrinkles, frequent exposure to the sun results to uneven skin tone and sunspots, metabolism is slower and the body is less firm, lips are thinner, and everything else sags. Such is the harsh reality of growing old, and it's a reality that most women fear to face and embrace.

The good news is, with all the great resources and information available to us busy, working women today, we can arm ourselves with all-natural, chemical-free and effective ways to stay healthy and beautiful - and minimize the signs of aging in the process.

The first sign of aging usually manifests around the eyes. This is often the first spot where noticeable signs of aging can be seen - wrinkles, crow's feet, and sagging eyelids. Since our eyes are the central feature of our face, it's important that they are well-taken cared of. So how do you restore it back to its youthful elasticity?

We understand you may already have a favorite eye cream or eye serum, but one of the best (and cheapest!) concoctions you can whip up at home is a blend of essential oils -- jojoba, rose oil and chamomile.

Jojoba oil is a super moisturizer! It spreads well, absorbs well, and does not evaporate easily.

We love rose oil. It tones and lifts skin, prevents wrinkles and loss of firmness, and makes scars fade away! Needless to say, it's perfect for those aging eyes.

Chamomile oil is a miracle product that's great for the sensitive area around our eyes. It's a great tissue regenerator, and it can calm red, dry, and irritated skin. Combined together, these oils work up a magic potion that can leave the area around the eyes smooth, toned, moisturized and refreshed. Enjoy!


1 ounce Jojoba oil
5 drops of Rose essential oil
5 drops of Chamomile essential oil

1. Combine all the oils in a small bowl.
2. To use, use a dropper to apply a drop to your finger then gently smooth beneath your eyes and the area just beneath the brow bone. Do NOT apply to your eyelids.
3. Store your eye serum in a small glass container.

Green Blossoms is an online resource for today's modern woman to live a green, healthy, and happy life. We write about green living, DIY beauty treatments, ideas for women's night outs, healthy food recipes, career advice, work/life balance tips and more!

Visit our blog at and our Facebook page We love to tweet too! Follow @GreenBlossoms!

DIY Eye Serum - Minimize Those Age Lines!

Wrinkle Rewind

Read Wrinkle Treatments - Drinking Water is Pointless? extra

Wrinkle Treatments - Drinking Water is Pointless?


Wrinkle Treatments wouldn't be all that necessary if only you could somehow constantly hydrate your body with tons of water, right? Not so fast.

Drink all the water you want, but if your skin cells can't retain moisture very well, you might as well save your bladder the trouble.

You see, when we're young, or bodies produce generous amounts of what is known as Glucosoamine. Glucosamine's key role is to hold moisture in your skin cells. It is an extremely effective natural moisturizer - far more so than anything you apply to your skin externally. It is why your skin stays fresh and plump when you're young.

It is also a big reason why your face looses its fullness as you get older. Just as with collagen, as you age, Glucosoamine levels drop off, along with your skin's ability to retain water - leaving you with the sometimes frustrating pursuit of trying various wrinkle treatments.



Because you are now armed with this knowledge, and thanks to anti aging science, Glucosoamine supplements can be found at most health food stores. When you start supplementing your body with this vital body chemical, your body will respond by holding on to the water you put into it. Guess what that means?

Wrinkle Reduction. Age prevention. And the privilege of keeping that wonderfully young plump look (plump as in the tissues in your face like collagen, etc) far beyond what you thought possible.

There are a few different types of Glucosoamine available. From my research, the most potent type is Glucosoamine Sulfate. Another popular one is Glucosoamine Hydrochloride, but studies have found this type to not flex its wrinkle reduction muscle nearly as well as Glucosoamine Sulfate.

OK, so drinking water isn't pointless, as we do need water, but when your body's cells can't hold onto the moisture from that water, it pretty much becomes like throwing water on a duck - it doesn't stick. Drink all the water you want, it won't make a huge difference - unless you're taking Glucosoamine.

The bottom-line: Increasing skin moisture equals fuller, younger looking skin. Incorporate the regular use of Glucosoamine Sulfate with a quality anti wrinkle moisturizer and you're way ahead of most people's anti aging regimen - and on your way to finding yourself smiling in the mirror a lot more often!

For more wrinkle reduction tips, visit

Tommy Engan is a passionate and successful anti aging writer who specializes in wrinkle reduction. Start looking forward to a younger you - visit Tommy's favorite site on Wrinkle Reduction

Go through Hoover Washing Machine - Model OPH616-80 Review much more

Wrinkle Rewind

We did our comparative shopping and found that the cheap washers just can't match up to the Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine when it comes to energy efficiency, cost savings in utilities because we are doing less loads, and a savings on the laundry soap, bleaches, pre-treatment, softeners and anything else we use in the laundry for special fabrics. In the cost comparison of the warranty, we couldn't beat the price; it came as part of the package simply because it is a Hoover. The Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine comes with a five year warranty.

We had heard rumors that Hoover was going out of business, but we found out that is not true. As with many businesses, they joined forces with another business, but are still building the same great products. We were a little concerned that our warranty or customer service would change, but they did not. The customer service is just as great as it ever was and the repair service hasn't had to be called, but there is someone to repair the washer within five kilometers of our home. You can't beat that for service!

Once we found the specific washer to suit our needs and our budget we, of course, had to wash a couple of loads in the new washer. Isn't this what everyone else does too? I think so, we just can't resist. A table cloth that had been pre-treated and then soaked in some borax soap for about an hour was put through the stain cleaning cycle, and all the stains from the spilled wine were gone!

This table cloth was a very good one, the type one uses for holidays and such, and there were serious doubts that the piece of table linen was ever going to be useable again. The Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine stain cycle was marvelous! The next load included a very delicate silk blouse. We washed it on a delicate setting and this blouse came out almost dry and completely wrinkle free! This is going to save on the cleaner bill for sure. The clothes, even the more delicate clothes, have come out great.

Between the fantastic functions that this washer will perform, the cost effectiveness makes the Hoover OPH616-80 Washing Machine one of the appliances that will actually pay you back in the savings you get from the lessened loads, a lower use of utilities and laundry products.

For more information on the latest Hoover Washing Machine models including images, videos, manuals and reviews, please visit the detailed Hoover Washing Machine page at Eco Washing Lines.

Hoover Washing Machine - Model OPH616-80 Review

Wrinkle Rewind

Read DIY Eye Serum - Minimize Those Age Lines! far more

DIY Eye Serum - Minimize Those Age Lines!

Wrinkle Rewind

Wrinkle Rewind

How do you defy the signs of aging?

Strictly speaking, you don't. We all know aging is a natural phenomenon - and no matter how many cosmetics, treatments and even surgeries claim to stop aging, truth is, we can only do so much to minimize it.

As we grow older (and wiser!), our physical appearance changes - our hair thins out and turns grey, the skin loses its elasticity and develops wrinkles, frequent exposure to the sun results to uneven skin tone and sunspots, metabolism is slower and the body is less firm, lips are thinner, and everything else sags. Such is the harsh reality of growing old, and it's a reality that most women fear to face and embrace.

The good news is, with all the great resources and information available to us busy, working women today, we can arm ourselves with all-natural, chemical-free and effective ways to stay healthy and beautiful - and minimize the signs of aging in the process.

The first sign of aging usually manifests around the eyes. This is often the first spot where noticeable signs of aging can be seen - wrinkles, crow's feet, and sagging eyelids. Since our eyes are the central feature of our face, it's important that they are well-taken cared of. So how do you restore it back to its youthful elasticity?

We understand you may already have a favorite eye cream or eye serum, but one of the best (and cheapest!) concoctions you can whip up at home is a blend of essential oils -- jojoba, rose oil and chamomile.

Jojoba oil is a super moisturizer! It spreads well, absorbs well, and does not evaporate easily.

We love rose oil. It tones and lifts skin, prevents wrinkles and loss of firmness, and makes scars fade away! Needless to say, it's perfect for those aging eyes.

Chamomile oil is a miracle product that's great for the sensitive area around our eyes. It's a great tissue regenerator, and it can calm red, dry, and irritated skin. Combined together, these oils work up a magic potion that can leave the area around the eyes smooth, toned, moisturized and refreshed. Enjoy!


1 ounce Jojoba oil
5 drops of Rose essential oil
5 drops of Chamomile essential oil

1. Combine all the oils in a small bowl.
2. To use, use a dropper to apply a drop to your finger then gently smooth beneath your eyes and the area just beneath the brow bone. Do NOT apply to your eyelids.
3. Store your eye serum in a small glass container.

Green Blossoms is an online resource for today's modern woman to live a green, healthy, and happy life. We write about green living, DIY beauty treatments, ideas for women's night outs, healthy food recipes, career advice, work/life balance tips and more!

Visit our blog at and our Facebook page We love to tweet too! Follow @GreenBlossoms!

Examine Anti Aging Skin Care - How to Find SLS-Free Products Easily much more

If you're working to keep your skin healthy and supple as you age, avoiding products containing SLS is essential. Luckily, there are many choices in SLS-free products available to help with your anti aging skin care efforts.

What is SLS?

SLS is an acronym for sodium lauryl sulfate (or sodium laureth sulfate), a commercial degreaser and industrial cleaner that is found in a wide variety of commercial products like shampoos, soaps and the like.

Although you might like to think you are choosing a quality product for your hair or skin, the sad reality is that the majority of products on the market today contain SLS.

Why is it bad?

SLS is harmful to us in many ways. It is caustic to the skin and hair, it can be dangerous if inhaled, and it strips the skin of essential oils and moisture. It is not a good path to aging well and gracefully, that is something you can count on.

Many people believe that if you want to age gracefully and to stay young looking as long as possible, it's best to avoid products that contain SLS.

A quick read of the ingredients in your care products, however, will tell you that nearly everything contains SLS. But there are some options.

How to avoid SLS

If you hunt, you can find a wide array of products that don't contain SLS. The best way to find the products is to head to a local natural foods store, which will likely only carry products that are free of SLS or its relative SLES.

You can find the following products in versions that are free of SLS:

Laundry detergent



Hair color

Bubble bath


Dish soap

Body wash

Shaving cream




Skin cleanser


You can also find children's products (like shampoos, conditioners and soaps) that are free of SLS.

As with any product, keep in mind that you might have to try a few before you find something that works as well as you'd like. Some just won't get your hair bouncy enough or your skin perfectly clean enough. But if you continue looking and trying out as many SLS products as you can, you are sure to find one that works well.

Finding the right, product, however, is worth the time and energy it takes when it comes to anti aging skin care for younger, healthier skin. Getting the caustic products out of your bathroom that do nothing to help you age well will do much for your skin and hair. You eat natural foods, and finding more natural products (and those not containing products intended for the industrial market) just makes sense.

Wrinkle Rewind

Want to know how to look years younger in just minutes? Then see this wrinkle cream review of the antiaging cream serums that work! See Marcus Ryan's review site and get these new anti wrinkle creams as well as valuable anti aging skin care tips to look younger and to enhance your skin's natural beauty. Want to look years younger? Then use the face lift anti wrinkle creams that work.

Anti Aging Skin Care - How to Find SLS-Free Products Easily

Understand Anti Wrinkle Cream Review more

Anti Wrinkle Cream Review


Anti wrinkle cream reviews are not always the best source of information when it comes to understanding the true effectiveness of individual products. Reviewers often have a narrow view of the anti wrinkle cream in question, often basing their opinions on a limited number of facts. This leads to strongly biased reviews with no clear explanation for their dissatisfaction.

A qualified reviewer must understand the interaction of the ingredients in different anti aging creams. These compounds are engineered to produce a specific cosmetic effect. They must also must also understand that individual body chemistry can interfere with the results of certain anti aging creams.

I recently read a perfect example of an unqualified reviewer bashing a new cream. The reviewer complained of redness, irritation, and itching when using a particular product. Consumers must realize that this type of review can make great products seem less appealing. Other potential users of this anti wrinkle cream could have wonderful results with no adverse effects.

A review like this does not take into consideration the possibility of an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the cream. Many anti wrinkle creams contain allergens such as alcohol, paraffin, and mineral oil. Although some consumers may have negative effects, those are individual results that may not represent the majority.

My opinion on anti wrinkle cream reviews is they should only be conducted by scientific professionals with an extensive background in the field. These are not the actors in late night infomercials wearing white lab coats, beaming about the benefits of their product. These are professional testers from an unbiased laboratory, providing a legitimate comparison of anti aging wrinkle creams.

Company propaganda is often orchestrated into misleading reviews by product manufactures. These companies base some of their marketing strategy on the use of well known skin care terms with little or no real meaning. Many consumers can hear a word like collagen and assume it makes a product superior, without actually understanding the purpose of its use in said product.

Only collagen produced in the human body should be considered safe. What is commonly used in injections is a form of collagen derived from cow hide. There is a high possibility of allergic reaction with this product, and patients require allergen tests prior to the onset of any procedure. Collagen topical creams are easily obtained and surprisingly require no testing. However, they should be considered useless, as absorbing collagen through the skin is impossible.

Products that contain keratin instead of collagen are always a better bet when choosing an anti wrinkle cream. Keratin can stimulate natural, safe production of new skin cells and collagen. A New Zealand company has developed an anti wrinkle cream using keratin extracted from the wool of a specific type of sheep.

Always look for natural ingredients when choosing an anti wrinkle cream. Do your research, and don't take all product reviews at face value.

Ingrid Palmer has been using and researching natural skin care product for many years. visit her website for information on the best anti aging products she has researched and recommends.

Understand Natural Wrinkle Reducer - Wrinkle Filler Combination much more

Natural Wrinkle Reducer - Wrinkle Filler Combination


Instead of wrinkle filler, wouldn't you prefer an effective natural wrinkle reducer? Or, how about something that fills them in, making them less visible, and reduces them, over time? There's something new that will do just that.

New Zealand's KERATEC Company has found a way to extract keratin from sheep's wool, make it soluble and digestible, without destroying the functionality of the protein. Keratin is normally hard and non-soluble. In the past, companies have had to denaturalize it, rendering it inactive, in order to include it in lotions and creams.

Through a patented process KERATEC solved the problem. The "functional" keratin can be found in the best wrinkle filler on the market and will soon be available in dietary supplements that support bone and joint health.

As a natural wrinkle reducer the protein has shown many benefits in clinical studies. It works as wrinkle filler by refracting light and making the skin appear smoother than it actually is. But, that's not all it can do.

As we age, our bodies produced fewer new skin cells. The outer layers become thinner and more easily damaged. Aging skin cells produce more free radicals, while levels of antioxidants that normally prevent free radicals from damaging the cellular membrane and collagen fibers continue to decrease.

Free radical damage causes the release of a chemical compound that increases inflammation and redness. All of these molecular changes lead to sagging wrinkled skin.

KERATEC's natural wrinkle reducer has been shown in clinical studies to increase skin cell proliferation by as much as 160% in as little as three days. It has antioxidant activity doubling that of vitamin C. So, it gets the free radicals back under control.

It blocks the release of the chemical that leads to inflammation by as much as 70%. And it increases firmness and elasticity by 27% immediately.

Most moisturizers on the market increase firmness initially, but when measured 24 hours later, the levels have returned to normal. With this new wrinkle filler, firmness and elasticity remains 22% higher.

Now, you have to be careful, because there is another so-called natural wrinkle reducer on the market that is actually a synthetically created protein. It has never been tested for safety and if the company's claims are true, the FDA says that it should be classified as a new drug and fully analyzed before being returned to the market.

Marketers advertise is as a Botox alternative. It's called Argireline and it is a common ingredient in wrinkle filler. According to manufacturer claims, it paralyzes tiny facial muscles. That's something that you really don't want to do. The effects could be permanent.

The best choice is to look for Functional Keratin and other ingredients that you'll recognize like coenzyme Q10, natural vitamin E, seaweed extract and grape seed oil. Remember that most companies do not include enough active components to be effective.

The active compounds may account for as little as 10% of the ingredients. The best natural wrinkle reducer is composed mostly of active compounds, at least 40%. Now, you know what to look for.

Margaret Bell is a dedicated advocate of living a healthy lifestyle and diligent researcher of skin care systems. Visit her site at: to discover which Natural Wrinkle Reducer Margaret recommends and uses after extensive comparisons. Be sure to sign up for her free Health newsletter for new updated skin care information.

Study Anti Aging Skin Care - Perricone Prescription Diet additional

Wrinkle Rewind

If you're like most women around the world you've probably been on one type of diet or another at some point in your life. The Perricone Prescription diet for anti aging skin care is likely to be a little different from any other diet you have tried. The first, and perhaps most important difference is that this is a diet where the goal is not weight loss. You read that right. The Perricone 28 Day Prescription is a diet that is designed to reduce the signs of aging in your skin.

One side effect of this diet for many people is that weight loss may occur but that is not a given and it is not the purpose of this particular diet. What it does accomplish is providing those who follow the plan with a more youthful complexion and skin tone. It is anti aging for your facial skin! Keep reading to discover some of the major benefits of following The Perricone diet.

Wrinkle Reduction

Most people, male or female, who follow the Perricone Prescription or Wrinkle Cure diet notice an almost immediate reduction in wrinkles. The reason for this is that this particular diet works to cleanse the body of the things that often cause wrinkles. Not only that, but it also provides you with the right kinds of fats necessary for the skin cells to flourish. By making your skin inhospitable to fine lines and wrinkles by following the Perricone Wrinkle Cure diet plan you are preventing new wrinkles from forming, which is just as important as reducing the wrinkles you have.

Levels Blood Sugar

One of the prime contributors to aging in the skin is fluctuations in blood sugar levels. The Perricone Prescription diet works to level the blood sugar in the body so that you don't experience the wild variations that not only create wrinkles by degrading collagen and elastin, but also prevent your body from doing what comes naturally in an effort to repair them and/or prevent them in the future.

Reducing Inflammation

Another benefit of the Perricone Prescription diet is that the foods consumed reduce inflammation which can lead to all manner of bad conditions such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, and arthritis in addition to balancing the skin and reducing visible signs of skin aging. Put simply, this diet benefits the body as well as skin aging by reducing inflammation which can damage skin cells.

The claim with the Perricone Prescription diet is that within 3 days of following the diet noticeable results will be seen in your skin - otherwise known as the 3 day face lift. If you continue to follow the diet for a full 28 days you should notice substantial results not only in your skin's appearance but also your overall health and well being.

This anti aging skin care plan has been met with a combination of skepticism and applause. The fact remains though that the diet has a nutritional foundation and is good for you, whether or not it will reduce the signs of aging or not. There are many people who have followed the diet though that swear to its benefits. It would be difficult not to notice the numbers of testimonials concerning this anti-aging skin diet and how it has changed the lives of so many.

Matthew Jones reviews anti aging skin care products that work for younger looking skin. For more information about Athena 7 minute face lift anti aging cream, see this review page here.

Anti Aging Skin Care - Perricone Prescription Diet

Read through Wrinkle Cream Reviews much more

Wrinkle Cream Reviews


Wrinkle cream reviews provide important information for the consumer who wants to assure choosing the very best wrinkle cream as part of a skin care regimen. Just as it is important to have confidence in the creams themselves, it is necessary to know how reliable a review might be.

Before deciding on the best anti aging wrinkle cream, it is important to think about the different types of reviews and how they should be weighed for accuracy and reliability. You would be quite reasonable to be a little dubious about a glowing review by the maker of the cream, or someone who sells it, for example.

Some Wrinkle cream reviews that come from manufacturers or sales literature may be trustworthy if they derive from an objective third party source. An analysis based on unbiased polling, clinical trials or consumer product review organizations is just as believable when quoted by the maker of a cream as it is elsewhere. Of course, every maker wants you to believe that their product really is the best wrinkle cream of them all!

Possibly the gold standard for Wrinkle cream reviews would be a placebo-controlled double blinded scientific clinical study, but these are expensive and likely not available for the products of smaller companies. If there is one, though, you can be quite confident about the findings.

A more casual clinical trial done by a large spa or beauty clinic would come in next for a flesh and blood study on real human skin in reliability. A well known spa or clinic would not want to risk their reputation by offering phony results even when they have exclusives with some cosmetic companies. These also inspire confidence.

Popular beauty, fashion, and health magazines, both electronic and in print, also do Wrinkle cream reviews with good reliability. They may do testing of their own or will research lab results and trials and other sources for unbiased information about effectiveness and usually offer some cost comparison as well. The only drawback is that they will usually only cover a handful of the many products available.

Anecdotal reviews or comments by individuals who have tried a product, can be pretty decent as well, since while they represent only one person's experience, it is being volunteered and not being generated for pay. Limited as it is, a product review given spontaneously for a wrinkle cream is likely an honest impression.

Don't discount the most direct anecdotal wrinkle cream reviews, though. Ask your friends, family, and coworkers what they have tried and how they like the creams. Ask if creams gave them the results they wanted and are there any down sides to the creams they have tried.

Geoff Hopkins has worked in the deep wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about deep wrinkle cream and wrinkle reducer If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

Study Wrinkle Removers That Really Work more


For centuries, creams and lotions that promise to remove the wrinkles from skin have been purveyed by snake-oil salesmen and shady-dealing businesses everywhere. And for most of history, we just didn't have the science to create wrinkle removers, and when certain creams did happen to work, we had no idea why. Today, however, things have changed. Not only do we understand how wrinkle removers work, but many companies have become skilled at making them.


When it comes to wrinkle removers, the most important thing to take into consideration is dermal collagen, which is basically the tissue that connects the skin. It's what creates the shape of the skin, promotes elasticity, and supports the blood vessels that run through the skin to give it its necessary nutrients and oxygen.

Wrinkles are primarily the result of damage to the collagen. Some of the damage is genetic, meaning that the DNA within the collagen cells breaks down and becomes unable to renew itself. This type of collagen damage is, at this point, irreversible. People can do many things to reduce the appearance of these wrinkles, but the wrinkles won't go away completely.

However, much of the damage to collagen cells is caused by external factors, meaning that the DNA within the collagen cells is untouched. In this case, it is possible to use wrinkle removers to renew the cells and thus eliminate wrinkles. Damage that falls into this category includes that directly caused by the sun, wind damage, make-up damage, pollution and smoking damage, and any wrinkles caused by repetitive facial expressions.

Effective wrinkle removers

Given what we now know about how facial wrinkles form, scientists say that there are three main types of wrinkle removers that really work.

• Retinol: Topical application of cream containing retinol, a type of Vitamin A, has been proven useful for renewing skin and eliminating wrinkles. Basically, what it does is encourage the creation of new collagen in skin that has aged or been damaged by UV rays from the sun. To get the best effects of retinol, concentrations between 0.2 and 0.6 percent are most effective. These concentrations can be found in both over-the-counter and prescription wrinkle removers. The main side effect is vulnerability to ultraviolent light, so you'll want to stay out of direct sunlight when using it.
• Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing (CDLR): CDLR is a noninvasive surgical procedure that removes a thin layer of outer skin, which, as the wound heals, encourages the skin to produce new collagen. In addition to being one of the best wrinkle removers, CDLR is also used for the removal of warts, scars, and birthmarks.
• Hyaluronic acid injection: This is a relatively new procedure wherein a doctor injects a certain type of hyaluronic acid that stretches out the skin and, in doing so, encourages it to produce more collagen. Compared to other wrinkle removers, the major downside of this method is that it needs to be re-done every six months or so, or else the effects will fade.

For more valuable tips on understanding how and why Wrinkle Removers Work. Please stop by and claim your complimentary copy of "Perpetual Wellbeing" while you are there.

Wrinkle Removers That Really Work


Understand Are Antiaging Skin Treatments Right For Me? a lot more

Are Antiaging Skin Treatments Right For Me?

Wrinkle Rewind

Most people think of anti aging skin treatments as something that people with wrinkles use. This is often true, but it's definitely not the only reason that you should be using these products.

If you wait until you have wrinkles to start treating them, you'll likely have a much more difficult time restoring the youthfulness of your skin than if you begin using these treatments - on a limited basis - before you encounter serious problems.

Evaluate yourself based on the following questions to determine if your skin could benefit from more than moisturizer and sunscreen.

1. Do you live an active, outdoor lifestyle?

People who are active outdoors are usually aware that they should be using sunscreen. However, what many do not realize is that extensive exposure to the sun and other elements - while part of a healthy, active lifestyle - can seriously discolor your skin and cause extensive damage below the surface that may manifest itself in serious discoloration later on. Many anti aging treatments are designed to combat, delay and eliminate these discolorations long before they become a problem and can be used as part of a quick, daily regimen to protect your skin.

2. Are you over 25?

After you turn 25, your body stops producing certain hormones that cause your skin to stay supple, soft and resilient. This is why many women describe looking in the mirror one morning and "not recognizing the person there" as themselves.

When these hormones are gone, your skin abruptly becomes susceptible to wrinkles, sun damage and general environmental wear that were simply not a factor before. This can make wrinkles appear literally overnight in some cases. Many anti aging skin treatments contain compounds to stimulate your body into making these hormones again.

3. Does your face often crinkle into the same expression when you are thinking, laughing or stressed out?

If it does, and most people's do, then you're placing yourself at risk for laugh lines, crows feet and serious brow furrows if you don't begin fighting the effects of habitual facial expressions. Don't stop laughing by any means, but start treating the issue with a preventative cream before you develop aging expression lines on your face.

It should also be noted that one of the other serious and often overlooked benefits of these treatments is the ways that they can de-stress users. Many people who use a nighttime regimen not only report serious wrinkle reduction, but also attribute sounder sleep and greater focus to the luxurious feeling of taking care of themselves that goes along with their antiaging skin treatments.

Looking for the best wrinkle cream or should I say anti wrinkle skin cream? I have been too. Just click one of those links to read all my reviews.

Study How to Keep Your Skin Young more

How to Keep Your Skin Young

Wrinkle Rewind

In order to fight the anti-aging process, it is imperative that you need to focus on your general health. When you are over fifty years old, it is crucial to plan out all of your meals, get at least 7 hours of rest at night, eat a well-balanced diet and work exercise into your life. These easy steps will ensure that your skin stays young and wrinkle-free.

Let's talk about diet first because it is one of the most important things that you can control. Make sure that you buy a lot of fruits and vegetables when you go grocery shopping. Do not purchase foods that are high in fat because they will affect your digestive system. Remind yourself to drink plenty of liquids, both water and juices work as long as they do not contain sugar. If your doctor has recommended that you follow a certain diet, listen to them! If you have not talked to your doctor about what the best diet for your body is, make an appointment today.

Another way to guarantee that your skin will stay young is to stay out of the sun. Your skin is very sensitive and as you get older, the sensitivity is enhanced. Do not allow your skin to be exposed to sunlight or extreme weather conditions. During the summer, all you have to do is apply sunblock every morning and you can rest assured that you are taking the right precautions. During the winter, make sure you moisturize and look for lotions that are water-based.

Thanks to modern medicine, there are hundreds of anti-aging creams that remove wrinkles, crow's feet, cellulite and under eye circles. Applying the best cream will remove wrinkles and prevent wrinkles in the future! When you are searching for the best anti-aging product, make sure that you find one that is natural and does not contain chemicals. Instead of wasting your time testing all of them, go online and read the reviews!

Another way that you can keep your skin young is to wear less makeup. This is a difficult thing for some women, but any foundation and powder is only going to prevent you r skin from being able to breathe. Look for natural and high quality makeup and do not ever go to sleep without removing the makeup from your face.

If you follow all of the steps above, you will keep your skin young and avoid other consequences that are common as we get older, such as freckles. When you take vacations to beautiful beaches, enjoy your time to relax and live without stress, but try not to overdo your time in the sun because eventually the damage to your skin will be permanent and could lead to diseases such as skin cancer.

Finally, consider options that people use in the eastern part of the world, such as massages that will keep your skin tight and radiant. Most people think that all massages have to be done by professionals, but you can do your own skin massage at home! Just make sure that the massage oil you use is a natural product. Once you finish your skin massage, get some rest and enjoy the new skin that you have in the morning.

Find the best skin care tips and products here!

Elle Del

Read through The Importance of Clinical Trials in Wrinkle Creams more

The Importance of Clinical Trials in Wrinkle Creams


Wrinkle creams promise fast and immediate results.  The television and magazine ads are everywhere and it can really be confusing as to which ones to consider buying.  Wrinkle cream clinical trials are provided by the companies they represent.  When looking at wrinkle cream products, it is always a good idea to see just how many people have actually tried the product and rated its effectiveness.  Clinical trials performed in laboratory settings are sometimes just not good enough for the discriminating consumer.  With the economy in a downward slope, consumers are becoming more and more cautious about the products that they buy.  When choosing a wrinkle cream, for instance one would want to buy something that is reasonably priced, works on most skin types and what kind of lasting results were accomplished.

Clinical trials for wrinkle creams will give a lot of data about things like moisture control, fine line removal, removal of dark circles under the eyes, brown spot removal and so forth.  Trials have been done when applying wrinkle cream to the skin and/or the eye area twice a day for a certain amount of time.  These are broken down into timelines for which the researcher can determine the percentage of effectiveness in different stages - at one week, three to four weeks and up to six weeks or better using a particular product.  Clinical trials also compare different eye and facial creams with each other using the above criteria to provide data to the consumer on which ones are the most effective.

What this means for the consumer is that by doing a little research on the product or products that we are interested in purchasing, we can get a better determination of which wrinkle creams have been tested not only in a lab setting but on people who have taken a trial and written their own testimonies as to what works and what doesn't, in general how much the product costs and if they would recommend it to everyone else.  This is a simple but smart approach to finding out which wrinkle creams will work the best and last the longest.  We all know that a wrinkle cannot disappear without surgery, but finding your best wrinkle cream can help slow the process down without reverting to surgical measures to get the youngest, best looking skin ever.

Mark Robbins has been reviewing and examining the best wrinkle cream options on the market. His expertise in weeding out bogus hype as well as determining the truly effective creams has made his opinions highly sought after by consumers in the market. Many people comment that they only buy products that Mark recommends.

Read through Are Antiaging Skin Treatments Right For Me? more

Wrinkle Rewind

Most people think of anti aging skin treatments as something that people with wrinkles use. This is often true, but it's definitely not the only reason that you should be using these products.

If you wait until you have wrinkles to start treating them, you'll likely have a much more difficult time restoring the youthfulness of your skin than if you begin using these treatments - on a limited basis - before you encounter serious problems.

Evaluate yourself based on the following questions to determine if your skin could benefit from more than moisturizer and sunscreen.

1. Do you live an active, outdoor lifestyle?

People who are active outdoors are usually aware that they should be using sunscreen. However, what many do not realize is that extensive exposure to the sun and other elements - while part of a healthy, active lifestyle - can seriously discolor your skin and cause extensive damage below the surface that may manifest itself in serious discoloration later on. Many anti aging treatments are designed to combat, delay and eliminate these discolorations long before they become a problem and can be used as part of a quick, daily regimen to protect your skin.

2. Are you over 25?

After you turn 25, your body stops producing certain hormones that cause your skin to stay supple, soft and resilient. This is why many women describe looking in the mirror one morning and "not recognizing the person there" as themselves.

When these hormones are gone, your skin abruptly becomes susceptible to wrinkles, sun damage and general environmental wear that were simply not a factor before. This can make wrinkles appear literally overnight in some cases. Many anti aging skin treatments contain compounds to stimulate your body into making these hormones again.

3. Does your face often crinkle into the same expression when you are thinking, laughing or stressed out?

If it does, and most people's do, then you're placing yourself at risk for laugh lines, crows feet and serious brow furrows if you don't begin fighting the effects of habitual facial expressions. Don't stop laughing by any means, but start treating the issue with a preventative cream before you develop aging expression lines on your face.

It should also be noted that one of the other serious and often overlooked benefits of these treatments is the ways that they can de-stress users. Many people who use a nighttime regimen not only report serious wrinkle reduction, but also attribute sounder sleep and greater focus to the luxurious feeling of taking care of themselves that goes along with their antiaging skin treatments.

Looking for the best wrinkle cream or should I say anti wrinkle skin cream? I have been too. Just click one of those links to read all my reviews.

Are Antiaging Skin Treatments Right For Me?