Study Wrinkle Treatment With Hyaluronic Acid a lot more

Wrinkles are being treated in various ways. The common method is cosmetic procedure. Filling the space below the wrinkles is most painless procedure to treat wrinkles. Collagen and fat are commonly implanted to remove wrinkles. Hyaluronic Acid is becoming popular as an implant. Let us find out more about what is Hyaluronic Acid and how it is used.

Hyaluronic Acid is naturally found in young persons' skin and body joints. Hyaluronic acid helps maintain water level in the skin. It also fills the space in the skin between collagen and elastin fibers. It gives volume and fullness to the skin. It acts as a cushion against mechanical damage of the skin. With aging, the level of Hyaluronic Acid reduces in body. Smoking also reduces level of Hyaluronic acid in body. Hyaluronic acid is also known as a glycosaminoglycan.

Hyaluronic acid skin implants-

Hyaluronic acid is injected in the skin like collagen implants. But unlike collagen, allergic reactions are much lesser with Hyaluronic acid implants. The injections have to be repeated periodically (about six months) because the injected Hyaluronic acid gets broken and slowly gets absorbed by the body.

Wrinkles, lines around the mouth, smokers lines, frown lines, crows feet, smile lines and acne scars may be treated with Hyaluronic acid implants. Hyaluronic acid implants are also used to redefine lip borders. Hyaluronic acid is sold as brand -Restylane in the USA.

Other uses of Hyaluronic Acid-

Hyaluronic acid is often combined with Vitamin C to prepare skin care formulations.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Wrinkle Treatment With Hyaluronic Acid

Study How Long Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Take? much more

Wrinkle Rewind

Laser skin resurfacing is a specialized technique, which can be done on an outpatient basis. If only a small part of the skin on the face has to be resurfaced then it may take just about half an hour. This is if only wrinkles around the eyes, or wrinkles around the mouth or some specific area has to be treated. If the whole face has to be treated it may take about an hour and a half. Older people may need resurfacing on the whole face while the younger ones may want just some areas to be resurfaced.

First and foremost an experienced doctor has to be found. He should have performed several such cases before and he should be asked to show the before and after pictures of the treatment. If the patient is fully satisfied then they can go ahead. The doctor should fully explain the whole procedure to the patient so that he or she is fully aware of what is going to happen. The patient should ask questions and fully satisfy herself.

The treatment needs local anesthesia, which can be combined with an intravenous drip if the doctor feels that this is needed. The laser resurfacing skin treatment can be done if face lifts or other methods have not shown proper results. The laser acts by treating each layer of the skin.
After the treatment, the doctor will cover the wound with sterile gauze. This can be changed often. The face can be washed three or four times a day if the doctor permits. The face has to be kept moist with mild vinegar solution or saline. Scabs may be formed a few days after the treatment. The old skin will peel off and fresh new skin will be formed. This new skin may be pink or reddish in color, the color being more prominent if the patient is a blonde or a redhead.

After a few days this skin can be camouflaged by make up. The skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight after the treatment for a few days. Sunscreen lotions should be used to protect the skin. The patient feels as if she has a bad case of sunstroke on her face. This will slowly die down after a few days. This treatment is not suitable for stretch marks. Nor should it be done if the patient has active acne or if the color of the skin is very dark.

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Dr. Jim Greene would like to invite you to visit the resources above to learn more about laser skin resurfacing and many more cosmetic and non cosmetic procedures. Visit now!

How Long Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Take?

Study Dysport (Azzalure) Or Botox - Which Make of Botulinum Toxin Works Best for Cosmetic Treatments? far more

Botox and Dysport / Azzalure are different molecular formulations of Botulinum Toxin type A. Both have a long (more than 20 years) of established medical use. It was already known that one unit of Botox is not equivalent to 1 unit of Dysport /Azzalure. In Europe the recommendation is to use 2.5 units of Dysport / Azzalure for every 1 unit of Botox. But there has been very little actual clinical research to substantiate this recommendation.

A study of 62 patients in 2006 showed that both treatments were effective in treating wrinkles. However it showed that Botox was better in terms of wrinkle improvement and the duration of effect at 16 weeks than Dysport for forehead wrinkles when the ratio of Botox to Dysport/Azzalure was 1:2.5. The authors said that this study was financially supported by Allergan, the makers of Botox.

However, another study was done in 2007 on 26 people. This time a 1:3 ratio of Botox to Dysport/Azzalure was used so unfortunately it is not directly comparable with the 2006 study. However, this study showed that Dysport/Azzalure was superior to Botox with better duration of effect at 20 weeks after injection. The authors said that this study did not receive financial backing from any of the manufacturers. This study also included electrical measurements of muscle activity as well as digital photographic appraisals done by an independent panel of 3 examiners who assessed with forehead wrinkles of the people in the study.

The conclusions that can be drawn from these studies is that there is no clear best type of Botulinum toxin for cosmetic use. The efficacy of both products in terms of their cosmetic effects is well proven as is their safety record. The duration of action depends to a large extent on how many units are administered. If 3 units of Dysport/Azzalure are used for every one unit of Botox, then the research suggests a slightly longer duration of effect than Botox, and the opposite seems to be true when the recommended 2.5:1 ratio is used.

In terms of other aspects of patient satisfaction, particularly the rapidity of onset of effect and relative incidence of side effects there is no research to guide decisions. Median time to onset of effect is from day 3 for both products and reaches maximal effect at day 30.

Dr. O. Mark Aszkenasy MRCP(UK) Medical Cosmetic Specialist Medical Director, Your Beautiful Skin Ltd

Dr. Aszkenasy is a fully registered medical doctor (GMC 2559874) who specialises in medical cosmetic treatments.

Dysport (Azzalure) Or Botox - Which Make of Botulinum Toxin Works Best for Cosmetic Treatments?

Wrinkle Rewind

Study Natural Wrinkle Reducer - Wrinkle Filler Combination far more

Natural Wrinkle Reducer - Wrinkle Filler Combination


Instead of wrinkle filler, wouldn't you prefer an effective natural wrinkle reducer? Or, how about something that fills them in, making them less visible, and reduces them, over time? There's something new that will do just that.

New Zealand's KERATEC Company has found a way to extract keratin from sheep's wool, make it soluble and digestible, without destroying the functionality of the protein. Keratin is normally hard and non-soluble. In the past, companies have had to denaturalize it, rendering it inactive, in order to include it in lotions and creams.

Through a patented process KERATEC solved the problem. The "functional" keratin can be found in the best wrinkle filler on the market and will soon be available in dietary supplements that support bone and joint health.

As a natural wrinkle reducer the protein has shown many benefits in clinical studies. It works as wrinkle filler by refracting light and making the skin appear smoother than it actually is. But, that's not all it can do.

As we age, our bodies produced fewer new skin cells. The outer layers become thinner and more easily damaged. Aging skin cells produce more free radicals, while levels of antioxidants that normally prevent free radicals from damaging the cellular membrane and collagen fibers continue to decrease.

Free radical damage causes the release of a chemical compound that increases inflammation and redness. All of these molecular changes lead to sagging wrinkled skin.

KERATEC's natural wrinkle reducer has been shown in clinical studies to increase skin cell proliferation by as much as 160% in as little as three days. It has antioxidant activity doubling that of vitamin C. So, it gets the free radicals back under control.

It blocks the release of the chemical that leads to inflammation by as much as 70%. And it increases firmness and elasticity by 27% immediately.

Most moisturizers on the market increase firmness initially, but when measured 24 hours later, the levels have returned to normal. With this new wrinkle filler, firmness and elasticity remains 22% higher.

Now, you have to be careful, because there is another so-called natural wrinkle reducer on the market that is actually a synthetically created protein. It has never been tested for safety and if the company's claims are true, the FDA says that it should be classified as a new drug and fully analyzed before being returned to the market.

Marketers advertise is as a Botox alternative. It's called Argireline and it is a common ingredient in wrinkle filler. According to manufacturer claims, it paralyzes tiny facial muscles. That's something that you really don't want to do. The effects could be permanent.

The best choice is to look for Functional Keratin and other ingredients that you'll recognize like coenzyme Q10, natural vitamin E, seaweed extract and grape seed oil. Remember that most companies do not include enough active components to be effective.

The active compounds may account for as little as 10% of the ingredients. The best natural wrinkle reducer is composed mostly of active compounds, at least 40%. Now, you know what to look for.

Margaret Bell is a dedicated advocate of living a healthy lifestyle and diligent researcher of skin care systems. Visit her site at: to discover which Natural Wrinkle Reducer Margaret recommends and uses after extensive comparisons. Be sure to sign up for her free Health newsletter for new updated skin care information.

Go through Can Botox Change Your Facial Expressions? a lot more

A recent study by a graduate student in psychology suggests that Botox can change the way your facial muscles read emotional sentences, and can alter the way that the mind and brain feels emotions. The study has several flaws, including a small sample size and not a long response, but it does bring up the very philosophical question-

How much facial expression should you have after Botox injection?

As you probably know, Botox is given as an injection in liquid form. The injection makes the muscles in the injected area temporarily paralyzed. If you can make the muscle weaker that are causing wrinkles, then that wrinkle will be hard to create, and eventually dissipate.

Botox is FDA approved for the muscles between your eyebrows, or the glabella lines. It is injected in other areas of the face such as, the forehead lines, the crow's feet areas, the neck muscles, and basically anywhere that a muscle can form a deep facial wrinkle.

Although there are broad guidelines that estimate how much to inject based on the muscle location and gender of the patients, a lot of it is previous known history of Botox use, and the aesthetic judgment of the injector. Some patients may wish to have a little facial expression, even after a Botox injection. Other patients want to have little to no muscle movement after Botox injection. This is where too much Botox or too many units in a certain area may play in role in affecting facial expressions, making it difficult for other people to read your true emotions and feelings.

If you look at a child or young adult, you can usually tell if they are happy or sad, based on their facial expression. Even at a very young age, some muscle motion in the forehead, glabella, and crow's feet areas is normal. The difference is when the child or young adult has a blank facial expression, there is no wrinkle, but when you are an older adult these wrinkles start to form. Although Botox is a great injectable, if too many units are given in an isolated area, then you may end up with no facial expression at all. This may result in others realizing that you have had a Botox injection.

For a more natural result, some facial muscle movement is to be expected, even after a Botox injection. The number of units given can be modulated with time, but an expert injector should be able to accommodate you and give you the best results possible for your face.

Wrinkle Rewind

Dr. Roy Kim is a Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco, CA, who specializes in Botox injections.

If you'd like to read the original article, please go to or for further information or answers to other questions.

Can Botox Change Your Facial Expressions?

Wrinkle Rewind

Read through Facial Wrinkle Cream - Say Goodbye to Old Age and Hello to the Fountain of Youth a lot more


Can facial wrinkle cream really make a person look decades younger? Yes! But, the more important question is, will a facial wrinkle cream make a person look decades older? After all, just because it CAN be done, that doesn't necessarily mean it WILL be done.

Choosing The Best Face Wrinkle Cream

Wrinkle cream comes in many forms and many brands, meaning you can't just expect to pick up a $19.95 jar of common anti wrinkle cream and expect your wrinkle problems to be over; it's just not that easy. To find the wrinkle cream perfect for you, you have to figure out what type of solution you want. Do you want something quick & easy that will provide results instantly? Or, do you want a more lasting solution, one that will take longer to achieve but will be more permanent?

If you're like most, you'd go with the latter, as it's better to be rid of wrinkles for good than it is to be rid of them for just one evening. That being said, you're probably going to want to choose a facial wrinkle cream that addresses the issue of collagen; or more specifically, the body's loss of collagen. Such a wrinkle cream will restore the bodies natural collagen production, thereby resulting in firmer, tighter skin that is quite resilient to wrinkles and finelines.

On the other hand, if you want the best of both worlds -- a facial wrinkle cream for short term use and another for long term use -- then you're also going to have to dive into the world of iced wrinkle cream, otherwise known as wrinkle freezing skin cream. This type of wrinkle-free cream is the short-term solution, as it zaps problem wrinkles & finelines within just a few minutes. It plumps, firms, and tightens the skin before your very eyes! However, as mentioned, this is a short-term solution, as the effects will only last 24-48 hours; which should be more than enough time for a night on the town.

There are many types of facial wrinkle cream out there, all of which have different benefits, ingredients, and drawbacks. The more you know about them, the easier your wrinkle removing "quest" will be.

If you'd like to learn more about facial wrinkle cream, effective wrinkle treatments, and how to get rid of wrinkles & finelines without cosmetic surgery, then you should visit, it is a highly popular website about wrinkle cream and natural wrinkle removal.

Facial Wrinkle Cream - Say Goodbye to Old Age and Hello to the Fountain of Youth


Read Swiss Apple Serum additional

Changes in our skin are the foremost obvious signs of aging. As we grow older we tend to take our youth for granted till we are taken aback by the sudden appearance of various factors which affect our skin in a detrimental manner. The usage of plants for medicinal and beauty purpose has been practiced since time immemorial. We know that certain properties of plants like aloe vera and even fruits like oranges have been used to make the skin smoother, supple and ever glowing. It is an established fact that stems cells, which are prevalent in almost all multi cellular organisms, are being used for the regeneration of cells, across the globe.

Human Stem Cells are known to grow into any other part of the body. But it is illegal to make use of embryonic stem cells for the use of cosmetics. Plant Stem Cells are hence the next great and far reaching change in the world of Skin Preservation. The research and development of cultivating a rare Swiss Apple for the same purpose has held the interest of many around the world. It promises to restrict the deterioration of the skin, increasing its life and ensuring a younger and healthy look.

Swiss Apple Serum protects the youthfulness of the skin and enhances the "Healthy Glow" effect. It is able to do so by ensuring a very notable reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. It is able to do this because it has the property to guard and revitalize the users' stem cells. Everybody likes the idea of having control over their youth and in the process hold time still. This is the reason that the Cosmetic Industry is flourishing today. This is the prime reason why the various properties of Swiss Apple Serum have excited researchers and users in a big way. This is obtained from a rare specimen of the apple tree known as the Uttwiler Spatlauber and the main attraction of this was that one could preserve it for months without it decaying!

The apple stem cells have epigenetic properties in abundance which ensure the prolonged existence of the skin cells. It has brought about a radical change in the world of anti-aging management. Its multi-purpose qualities make it a very attractive proposition for not only skin repair treatment but also for the remedy of hair fall or hair loss. The popularity and effectiveness of this product are further endorsed by some well known clients across the globe. Thanks to this, the natural interest and curiosity about Swiss Apple has increased amongst the public!

Wrinkle Rewind

Mikel is a freelance writer and also maintains a website about the anti-aging benefits of swiss apple serum [].

Swiss Apple Serum

Wrinkle Rewind

Read Ways to Improve Aging Skin Around the Eyes - What You Should Be Doing a lot more

Wrinkle Rewind

The first few signs of aging skin usually appear around the eye area. Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, commonly called crow's feet appear, dark circles and eye bags become a more permanent condition and sagging eyelids become evident.

Our eyes are purportedly the windows of our soul. If you have these dermis problems in this area of your face, it is normal to feel disheartened. This is why you need to improve skin functions before it gets too late. Here are a few ways for you to slow down the aging process:

1. Look for a more effective eye creamIf you are not yet using an eye moisturizing cream, maybe it is time to use one. This will be your first line of defense against the attack of the aging process. Go look for a product that contains Eyeliss, Haloxyl, CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame.

Eyeliss is an ingredient that helps improve the functions of the cells. Weak cells are plumped up to boost cellular functions. Haloxyl can help lessen dark circles under the eyes. This ingredient reduces the haemoglobin in red blood cells. Since dark circles are caused by leaking red blood cells, reducing their haemoglobin content will surely get rid of the problem.

CynergyTK is an ingredient loaded with functional keratin. This ingredient has been extracted from sheep wool. Functional keratin supplied to the dermis will ensure the proper production of collagen and elastin for more resilient and more elastic skin. Phytessence Wakame is a sea weed that improves moisture content in dermis tissues. This sea weed effective lessens harmful enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid.

2. Avoid exposing your skin to the sun's UV raysProtect your dermis from the sun by applying sun block. UVA rays tend to stress out the dermis. This will then speed up the aging process of the skin. Apply sun block or wear sun glasses to protect your eyes.

3. Get lots of sleepSleep is essential in boosting the functions of the skin. It also helps relax tired and weak eye tissues and muscles. This is also the time when growth hormones are released. These growth hormones are essential for the production of collagen and elastin.

4. Eat foods rich in vitamin A and beta caroteneThese are the vitamins that help improve our eye sight. But these are also helpful in the repair of damaged dermis tissues. Your skin can better recover from daily wear if you supply it with skin-correcting nutrients.

And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

Ways to Improve Aging Skin Around the Eyes - What You Should Be Doing

Wrinkle Rewind

Go through Supplement for the Skin far more

Wrinkle Rewind

Talk about beauty supplement, what is a beauty supplement? A daily skin care supplement for women that help to delay skin aging process and boost skin glow is what we call beauty supplement, provide your dry skin with anti aging skin care supplement that turns back your skin clock that defy aging, for you to look great. An all natural anti aging skin care supplement that get's back your youthful face with the help of this supplement. There is no need for expensive and painful surgery; it is a painless procedure to help regain your eternal beauty! It's been proven fact that intense dry skin is more prone to premature aging than is nourished skin. So obviously, we want to stay away from the three basic things that dry our skin out. There a lot of ways people get similar benefits that they get from expensive cosmetics with out spending a lot of money over expensive and harsh chemical treatments. Our skin is an organ that needs nutrients and oxygen to live. Essential nutrients and oxygen are carried with the blood to the small vessels in the dermis to feed skin cell in the epidermis where new cells are produced.

How do you resolve which order to apply supplement if you use more than one in any of the following categories above? Avoid too much application of your product. To lightly cover up your skin adequate use is advice, then let it dry and absorbed on the skin before using the next product layer. Using too much product, may not fully absorb, it will only set on top of the skin. As expected we all grow old, but we can trim down the sign of ageing using skin care products and a little bit of care. Here are some tips to help you a lot, plus the supplement you take, this also help fight with outside elements, such as the sun, wind and pollution, that makes it very difficult too keep being healthy. This anti aging supplement will repair the health of your internal system and take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle prone skin. As a matter of fact a lot of food experts, beauty care experts, and naturalist feel that using natural plant-based supplements, like the polyphenolic compound.

Skin hydration: to help skin look firmer and clearer, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water to help flush away toxins and keeping your cells well- hydrated. And even though liquids are the main source of water, there are foods have a high water content that contribute to overall hydration. The Aloe pill is approved by medical experts and is the same having a small aloe Vera plants in your packet! Think about of having no more ugly scars, acne or eczema! Applying moisturizer on skin prevents not only wrinkles, but also from drying and cracking. Cracks in your skin are break downs in your body's first line defense against bacteria and germs. Anti aging skin care will help you rewind time. No matter how badly your skin looks. And though it can only do so much, a healthy regimen makes your skin glow and looks firm and youthful. For you to gain back youthful beauty you may use different kinds of anti aging skin care supplement out in the market today. This will give you effective and faster results.

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Supplement for the Skin

Understand The Best Wrinkle Cream Ingredients far more

Wrinkle creams today offer many benefits thanks to advances in anti-aging skin care research. With a few nuggets of information about what makes a wrinkle cream effective, picking the right wrinkle cream does not have to be a daunting task. The key is to know which ingredients to look for that give a wrinkle cream its anti-aging effects. Some of the ingredients to look for include:

Acetyl hexapeptide-3.

Acetyl hexapeptide-3 is considered one of the best anti aging ingredients next to Outline toxin because it relaxes facial muscle tension that contributes to wrinkles. Unlike Botulinum toxin, Acetyl hexapeptide-3 can be applied directly to the skin and does not require injections.

Palmitoyl pentapeptide-3.

Palmitoyl pentapeptide-3 stimulates collagen production in skin cells. Aging skin loses collagen, which contributes to fine lines and wrinkles. Increasing collagen production helps to plump skin and smooth out wrinkles. Many believe this is the must have ingredient in any anti aging skin care product.


Retinol is a vitamin A compound that acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin A can speed up skin cell turnover so skin cells can be replenished at a faster rate. Retinol is the first antioxidant to be widely used in over-the-counter wrinkle creams.

Hydroxy acids.

Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are all synthetic versions of acids derived from sugar-containing fruits. Use of these acids results in skin exfoliation where old dead skin is removed allowing for growth of a new cell layer. The process of exfoliation however can make skin more susceptible to sun exposure so correct precautions should be taken when using a product containing hydroxyl acids.

Coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10 is a critical skin nutrient that helps control cellular energy production. In addition to reducing already present wrinkles, use of coenzyme Q10 can also be a protective agent if applied before going out in the sun.

Copper peptides.

Copper is an element found in living cells that combines with small protein fragments called peptides when applied to damaged skin.. Copper peptides remove damaged collagen and elastin from skin, stimulate collagen production and enhances the function of antioxidants.

It is important to remember that most anti-wrinkle creams have not be rigorously tested so starting with the most expensive one is not necessary. In fact, most people believe that the same ingredients in less expensive products work just as well as their high priced counterparts. So be a well-informed shopper when choosing the best wrinkle cream for you.


Geoff Hopkins has worked in the anti-wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about anti-wrinkle cream and anti wrinkle creams. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

The Best Wrinkle Cream Ingredients


Study Growth Hormone Side Effects & HGH Releasers far more

Don't we all want to be like Peter Pan, the immortal character who never ages? Sure, we have no need for his pre-adolescent looks and we have been assured many times that our wrinkles only consummate our wise and rugged mature look. But while men are more fortunate than the ladies in that we age like vintage wine, it is hard not to notice the receding hairline and protruding beer belly when we look in the mirror.

The final straw that broke the camel's back? Underperforming during sexual intercourse is both frustrating and embarrassing. Once you reach a certain age, it becomes harder to excel in the bed. This is a reality that many men are faced with. The culprit can be traced directly back to a dramatic decline in your body's natural ability to maintain high levels of human growth hormone production.

Many aging males also become plagued with health complications such as diabetes and high blood pressure; diseases often associated with old age. It is no wonder that more people are hoping to rewind the cruel hands of time and find anti-aging techniques to combat the effects of aging. Many people even see aging as a disease. While these concerns were once accepted as part and parcel of life in the past, recent medical breakthroughs have allowed human beings to age gracefully and beautifully.

What can you do to counter the effects of aging? Well, HGH injections have been heralded as the modern day fountain of youth. The good news is you don't have to embark on a never-ending pursuit to uncover this mystical myth. Just a trip to your doctor and you can undo much of the physical effects that age has taken to your physical appearance and body wellness, at least to a certain extent.

A single injection will introduce synthetic or natural growth hormone, that helps elevate pituitary hormone production. As we all know by now, as with anything in life, there is always a catch. The first catch is that the price of vanity is very high, and HGH injections do not come cheaply.

You could easily blow half your salary just to cover the medical expenses. These expenses are usually not covered by one's insurance, so you will have to fork out your own money. These injections are only available via a doctor's prescription, so there isn't a way to maneuver around the high costs.

As with every drug, the consumer is subject to many possible side effects. Some of these side effects include carpal tunnel syndrome and gynecomastia, which in layman's terms translates as enlarged breasts. While these side effects are not irreversible, they can be very uncomfortable. When you stop taking in HGH injections, your initial problem resurfaces and the decreased signs of aging begin to appear once again.

There is one alternative that has risen in popularity in recent times: Natural HGH releasers. As the name suggests, this solution is natural. Many are comprised of amino acids, plants, and natural medicines to help erase the signs and effects of aging. These natural ingredients are already in harmony with your natural body systems, thus minimizing the possibility of any adverse reactions.

Natural HGH supplements achieve superior results to synthetic drugs because they are safe and effective. They do not supplement any real or synthetic growth hormone. What they do, however, is to powerfully stimulate and activate the synthesis and release of your own natural somatotropin. This means there is no need to introduce foreign hormones into your body at all. Enhanced somatotropin production with HGH releasers is all natural, and most importantly, all YOU.

With these natural HGH supplements, you no longer need to wax lyrical about your peak sexual performances or reminisce about the dashing, strapping man you once were. Relish in feeling younger, potent and powerful!

Wrinkle Rewind

You can learn even more about natural HGH releasers at []

Aaron Anderson is a regular contributing author for

Growth Hormone Side Effects & HGH Releasers

Wrinkle Rewind

Study Homemade Wrinkle Removers That Work extra

Although there are many quality wrinkle remover creams out on the market, don't be fooled into thinking that there aren't natural wrinkle treatments out there too -- because there are. As a matter of fact, you can probably create your very own homemade wrinkle removers with things found around your home.

Here Are A Few Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

Honey is one of the best home made wrinkle removers available. All you have to do is thinly spread the honey onto your face and leave it there for about 25-30 minutes. Once the time elapses, wash away the honey with warm water and then gently rub an ice cube all over your face -- more specifically, rub the ice cube on the places where the honey was applied. An important thing to remember before starting this home wrinkle remedy is to wash your face with warm, borderline hot, water. This allows the pores in your skin to open up, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the honey.

Bananas can be used to make a very effective, natural anti-wrinkle cream. Simply mash up a banana or two until the banana(s) becomes cream like -- this shouldn't take long. Once it is in a creamy form, apply it liberally to your entire face. Let it sit for around 30 minutes and then rinse it away with warm water. Pat dry your skin; do not rub dry it.

When it comes to natural wrinkle removal, it doesn't get much easier than coconut oil. Just rub warm coconut oil into your skin each night and continue the process for as long as you want to keep wrinkles away -- That's it.

Pineapple is another great homemade wrinkle remover. Begin by cutting out the core of the pineapple. Once removed, take the core and gently rub it on your face, making sure you get all the problem areas; around the mouth, under & around the eyes, etc. Leave the thin layer of pineapple juice on your face for about 20 minutes, then you can wash it off with warm or cold water.

As you can see, you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing homemade wrinkle removers. Does that mean you should forsake all other anti wrinkle cream products? Of course not, as that would be foolish. In actuality, it simply means you don't have to rely wholeheartedly on department store wrinkle cream any longer.


For More Specific Information About Homemade Wrinkle Removers and Other Wrinkle Correction Techniques, Try Visiting, One Of The Most Popular & Informative Wrinkle Cream Websites On The Web.

Homemade Wrinkle Removers That Work
